It’s your turn…Are you ready to ROCK?
You are going to break into randomly selected groups. You are each going to be given a package. The package is going to have lyrics with a verse and chorus of one of four famous songs. With your group, you are going to re-write the lyrics to the song you have been given based on your experiences at work, in your industry with a touch of life experience! And with your group, you get to come up and perform your song- with your lyrics on the big screen for all the other groups to see!
The goal is to have as much fun as possible…and you will have more fun than you imagined!
“The transformation is always astounding. You break into groups oftentimes with people that you do not even know. The experience of creating something together that pushes your comfort zone brings out your best team-building, cooperation, and communication skills. When you get to perform the song that YOU have created, it’s cathartic, joyful and you get to experience overwhelming support from an audience of your peers. This program is always a favorite. You will never see your associates the same way. You all literally become Rock Stars! You are creating a new sense of warmth and comradery that sticks- it’s indelible! ”